1. Actively pursuing their dreams & living in their purpose
2. Committed to being a life-long learner
3. Intentional about seeing the world & being a global citizen
4. Constantly working to become the best version of themselves; mind body and soul
5. Unapologetically confident in who they are

Who Is Lo?
Lo is an Inspirational Explorer and the Founder of Can’t Stay Put. She travels the world inspiring and empowering others to live a #cantstayput lifestyle.
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Go. Do. Be.
I travel the world inspiring people to follow their dreams.
From The Blog
- 04 January | Lo | Uncategorized | No comment
The Newport Mansions
- 04 January | Lo | Uncategorized | No comment
CSP 2017 Mantra: Production > Consumption
- 04 January | Lo | For Your Inspiration Travels Uncategorized | No comment
Best of 2016
- 12 October | Lo | Partnerships Travels | No comment
#DriveMitsubishi x #CantStayPut
- 10 October | Lo | Partnerships Travels | 2 Comments
#DriveMazda Through Amish Country