
The Test

  |   For Your Inspiration   |   4 Comments

I just got off FaceTime with my best friend who like me is living out her purpose and creating her own lane. (I’m so grateful for her friendship because not too many people understand this entrepreneur lifestyle) We talked about all the challenges that we are currently facing. One that we both are experiencing right now is always feeling overwhelmed with so much to do. She’s convinced that we should embrace this feeling because it isn’t going anywhere. I’m with her to a certain extent, I just remember a time where I had a lot to do but felt ok with my progress. But then again more opportunities are rolling in and I’ve covered more ground. It’s true what they say “To whom much is given, much is required.”

The beautiful thing about the journey is not knowing what the next page or chapter brings. Yeah, you may have objectives and a 5-year plan but I’ve been out here long enough to know that very rarely do things go as planned. God will say “No” to some of your prayers and other times he will bless you immensely to the point where you will ask yourself, “Is this real?”  The last month or two have been filled with both.

I traveled to India for two weeks back in February. To say that my experience was amazing is an understatement.  India touched my soul in ways that I had never experienced. My time there revealed more of why I exist and what I am on earth to do. Something that is hard to put into words. From visiting the Akanksha Schools in Mumbai to interviewing the designers of LoveBirds in Delhi, to seeing the beauty of the Taj Mahal, I came home with tons of stories to write about. I had the footage to visually tell my story in a way that would leave my audiences’ mouth watering for their own India experience.

Within a week of my return back to the states, all of my things were stolen. My travel book bag, which doubles as my virtual office, had my computer, external hard drive, planning notebook, books, trinkets from around the world, my makeup, toiletries–pretty much everything that I take with me everywhere, were all gone. My camera bag was stolen too, which included a brand new canon camera with two new lenses. Over a 1,000 pictures and videos from India were gone. How could I possibly tell the stories of my experience without pictures? Material things can be replaced so I didn’t really struggle with that, it was the stuff that’s not worth anything to anyone but me– the documentation of my experiences around the world on my camera and my external hard drive. That’s the bread and butter of what I do.

Talk about your feelings being hurt. I was crushed. It’s funny though that even in my despair, the Inspirational Explorer in me turned on. It was time for me to take my own medicine, so I began giving myself a pep talk. I knew I couldn’t stay in state of mourning for too long because I am a reflection of the #cantstayput lifestyle, I can’t let something defeat me. I knew I needed to share my experience with my supporters because I wanted them to know that everyone experiences misfortune. I nor them are exempt.

“I’ve never been the type to ask God “why me?”, but definitely “what’s the lesson here?” On Tuesday someone stole what feels like a part of my soul: my computer, external hard drive, camera, two lenses, memory card, work notebooks, business contacts, and sentimental items from all over the world. Anybody that knows me, knows my back is my virtual office. I take it everywhere. Why? Because I don’t live anywhere and I’m very serious about my time. If there;s ever a moment between the hustle that allows me to work, I do. Yes, these are material things that can all be replaced but my pictures and videos can’t… they are the bread and butter to what I do. Thankfully I have a website that has chronicled my journey for the past two years along with a few things backed up in my dropbox. However, everything from India is gone. And I think what hurts the most is all of the people I met while there that I promised to write about and feature. But, I wouldn’t be who I am today if I didn’t kick game to you. Misfortune happens to EVERYONE, no one is exempt. I found myself writing out a list of everything I’m grateful for to put everything into perspective. IF there was ever a doubt in my mind that my time is coming… It’s gone now. I know my time is coming! God is steady bringing amazing people and opportunities into my life that I’m forever grateful for. THOUGH IT MAY FEEL LIKE SOMEONE CUT OF ALL MY LIMBS, I’M LIKE A STARFISH OUTCHEA. THEM MOTHA– WILL DEFINITELY GROW BACK. (Excuse the profanity, but sometimes you got to make it very clear to the devil) P.S. For everyone who’s sent me emails or had conference calls scheduled with me…I’m giving myself until Sunday to get my head back in the game. #cantstayput”

Within seconds words of encouragement started to pour in via instagram, text, phone calls, and emails. It was then that I realized how much people valued what I did. And in a self-indulging way, I needed that reassurance.

On the last day of February I vowed to leave what happened to me in February, I couldn’t take that energy into a new month. I just couldn’t. I had to be totally done with it. Would you know that on the morning of March 1st I woke up to an email from a fellow Howard University Alum pledging $500 to help with my recovery?!?!?! I mean I knew God was fast but I didn’t think he was THAT fast! I was literally brought to tears reading the email because of the great act of kindness but more so because that kind gesture was a reflection of who I am and how I make people feel. It was God’s way of saying, “You ARE living in your purpose!” And to think Can’t Stay Put was just a dream.

“A Queen can only be dethroned if she chooses to take off her crown. // I just want to say thank you to everyone for their words of encouragement. I found tremendous comfort in your words. I told God last night I wasn’t bringing the negative energy of what happened to me into the new month. I told him, I was totally releasing it and to my surprise I woke up this morning to an email from a Howard Alum willing to contribute financially to my recovery. As SOON as I let it go, I started to receive blessings. Let this be a testimony to whoever is holding on to something that needs to be let go. And thank God for the pictures from India in my phone. New post are still coming. My first day of recovery begins today. Happy Sunday!  #cantstayput”

I shared the good news with my followers not to show off but to be a living example of God’s blessings. In order to receive God’s new blessings you must stop mourning over what he allowed to be taken away from you. He has a plan even when our lives are shaken up. A friend shared with me that, “Often times we go through things not for ourselves, but to be a living testimony for others.” AMEN!

I also realized that God was giving me a much needed break. He took away my resources to work because he knew I wouldn’t voluntarily take a break for myself. To my surprise more people made financial pledges. Even had business opportunities rolling in as a result. The amount of love and support I received will be remembered for a life time. Everyone who helped WILL be a part of my story because they impacted my life in a way that I could never repay them.

I was on cloud 9! But even still, God was like I got more! I received a notification from the Oakland Police Department that they had my stuff!! All of my electronics were gone, which I expected, but my external was there and my other personal belongings were there too! I was in total disbelief. I still am as I write this. God is good, ok!


“It’s really funny how life works sometimes. My last computer was over 5 years old. It had gotten to the point where I could only use 1 application at a time, but since it still cut on, I couldn’t justify buying a new one. My productivity definitely suffered but when you’re hustling and building a brand Every. Single. Dollar. Matters. I had every intention to ride it out till it blew up….. And then someone stole it. God was like “lemme go ahead and upgrade you cuz you ain’t gonna do it yourself.”  I could have never imagined that people would be generous enough to help me recover all the things that were taken from me. Thank You! You know who you are! (even my little sister helped out ) Still got to get another camera but in due time. // oh and you already know I’m going back to Apple on April 10th to swap this out for the new new.  ain’t got no time for their foolishness. #cantstayput”

As if getting a brand spankin new computer wasn’t the icing on the cake, a few days later I received a phone call from the CFO of my former job saying they had a check for me I never got. From 2013!! I mean blessing after blessing.

Moral of the story: You will be tested throughout your journey. That is a part of life. No one, even you, is exempt. If you haven’t been tested, keep living. If you choose to let the test stop you in your tracks you are blocking the many blessings headed your way. Yes, it’s easier said than done. But there is strength that comes with the release of negativity. And one thing is for sure, God will SHOW up and SHOW out! Trust him.

Stay faithful!



  • Jessie | Apr 16, 2015 at

    Awesome Testimony!

  • Vic | Apr 17, 2015 at

    Just seeing this. I love you!

  • Toya | Apr 20, 2015 at

    So glad you were able to recover your hard drives. Theft can tear you to pieces. It may have been a blessing in disguise. Looking forward to reading about your travels in India.

    • Lo | Apr 21, 2015 at

      Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your kind words:)

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