
Vacation vs. Traveling

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IMG_1956IMG_9650Yes. There is a difference. Often times Americans and people in general think of traveling and vacation as one in the same. But let me tell you something— It’s not! Vacation is when you sign out from the rest of the world to relax, unwind, or treat yourself to a great time because you’ve been killing it at work all year. Traveling is much different. You are going to a new place to explore, to learn, to meet new people, to grow, rarely spending all day at a resort or laying out on the beach. Both are important. But because traveling is seen as a vacation and vacation is seen as a luxury, many people opt out of hopping on the plane because if something is seen as a luxury it isn’t necessarily needed. Read this carefully, YOU NEED TO TRAVEL! IT’S NECESSARY! For personal growth, for higher level thinking, for your well being, for the future. Take becoming a global citizen seriously!!


  • Brittany | Jan 12, 2014 at

    Well said! A lot of people don’t know the difference. They may have been on tons of vacations and call that travel but its far from it.

  • EricaVain | Jan 20, 2014 at

    #FACTS!!!! Bring on MORE TRAVEL and life experiences…. Vacations for me are reserved for turning off my phone and getting sleep. Big Difference!!!! #GOLOGO !!!

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