CSP Experience:
Chilé, June 2015
Education & Empowerment
Lo visited with the founders and volunteers of Formando Chilé non-profit located in an underserved community in Huechuraba. Formando Chilé works to promote social change through free education, community development and economic development for local business owners. She fellowshipped with the many kids of the after-school programs where she traded dance moves and practiced conversational English. She was also welcomed into the homes of local business owners where they talked about their aspirations for economic mobility. She was also cited as the first American to ever come to Huechuraba; an American that actually cared.
While in San Pedro de Atacama, Lo collaborated with Pablo of Desert Exploring to bring exposure to the beautiful landscape of the desert in Northern Chilé.
While in Santiago, Lo explored the countless streets painted with beautiful street art. While in San Pedro Atacama, Lo explored Moon Valley, Salt Flats, and the beautiful mountain ranges with countless volcanoes.